Facilit8 is member-focused business networking organisation in Perth.

We host networking events across Perth to meet our purpose of facilitating business growth.

Discover Facilit8 Business Networking

Our Purpose


Business Relationships

Facilitate the creation of strategic business relationships.


Share Expertise

Share industry news, insights and expertise with group members.


Generate Referrals

Through trust, generate referrals for member businesses.


Grow Business

Bring members together to help each grow their business.

What Our Meetings Are About

Member First Strategy

Our members drive our organisation, so we dedicate ourselves to them

Build Networks

Networking is critical to business success, and building genuine connections is for longevity.


Roundtable Discussions

Share your expertise and learn from others with our roundtable discussions, at the core of what we do.

Connecting Business

Connect with other businesses and build sustainable and long-term relationships.

We host three professionally run boardroom-type breakfasts and one sundowner every month to help you build genuine connections.

Get involved with Facilit8 and develop relationships that are built on connections, not traffic lights.

Our Directors

Oliver Leeb Facilit8 Director

Oliver Leeb

Director & Co-Founder

Oliver Leeb, a certified Google Partner, has been a digital marketing professional for over a decade, having built websites since before there even was a Google.

He has a master’s degree in marketing from Curtin University and subsequently started his career in the junior exploration sector assisting with market research. Ultimately this evolved to managing the web, online and social presences of as many as three ASX-listed companies at a time, ensuring timely communication with shareholders and stakeholders.

In 2014, he founded 3am Ideas a digital marketing agency for small businesses & startups. He has since enjoyed helping companies with their growth attained through social media and other online channels.

Founding Facilit8 was another opportunity where he saw the chance to help local businesses build a referral network and make connections that are of genuine value.

Jamie Duff Facilit8 Director

Jamie Duff

Director & Co-Founder

Jamie Duff has been in the IT industry over 25 years in Sales and roles as a BDM ensuring his clients IT and Technology requirements are taken care of and fully managed. Jamie is currently a BDM at Qbit and has assisted Qbit in becoming one of the CRN Fast50 growing IT Companies in Australia in 2017 and continues to strive towards getting the best results for his clients.

Jamie in his role as BDM has been heavily involved in the business community in Perth currently on the Western Suburbs Business Association Committee over 10 years, Beer and Beef Club of Perth Committee 9 Years and previously the Vice President of the Ukrainian Association of Western Australia 4 Years and also a member of a range of other business groups.

Jamie along with Oliver Leeb believed there was a gap in Perth’s business networking organisations and grabbed the opportunity with both hands to found Facilit8. The pure focus being MEMBERS and valuing their time and commitment to attending the weekly breakfasts and sundowner each month. Jamie’s absolute philosophy is that the most important aspect of building your business is to ensure you nurture and grow business relationships as once a relationship is formed then trust is built and once trust is built then business can eventuate.

Giving back to the Business Community has been a passion of Jamie’s and now he is striving towards partnering with a NFP organization to also give back to the community a vision equally shared with Oliver Leeb and the valued members of Facilit8.

Supporting Worthy Causes

Every time you book a ticket for a Facilit8 event you’re directly supporting one of the causes found below. As a business community, we should look to give back whenever we can, especially when it’s as easy as booking a ticket.

Our Vision

To be Australia's #1 member-focussed networking organisation for established small businesses and growing companies.

Our Mission

Connect organisations and their people to build better referral relationships through sharing knowledge, industry expertise, experiences, and shared values.