What are the main steps to creating a mobile application?

As Software Developers we get asked all the time questions about what the process looks like to build a mobile app for their business. Today I’m going to go through the steps from the idea to deployment.

I have an app idea

The first step is if there is a great idea sitting in someone’s mind for a while or if it’s a brand-new idea that has to come to life. It doesn’t matter how the idea comes to light, the most important thing is seeing if this is a variable product, which means research. Some of the questions to ask yourself in the beginning stages are:

  • Is there an app like this already in your market you are looking to enter, it could be within your own country or overseas? If so, what do you like about this app and what don’t you like?
  • If this is a brand-new industry/market you are entering (think start-up businesses) do your research on the market.
  • Looking at your customer niche. Who will the users be? Why would they use your app?
  • Of course, the most important thing is having a meeting with your software development company (BlueSky in this case) to start to nut out the idea and find out more about the process.


After your idea is validated and you know it’s a viable product, it’s time to start to bring the idea to life, which is scoping! Working with the internal scoping team will allow you to create your foundation for your mobile application (this isn’t developing yet).

Some things covered are:

  • Your user’s experience what will this look like from beginning to end
  • What will be projected look like
  • What other functions are required?
  • As this is a customised process to the individual sections based on the project’s requirements, this section is going to be different each time
  • Including wireframes

Then your foundation for development is ready.


The next stages of course are development and we would most of the time be looking at a phase-by-phase approach.

The scoping lets the development teams know exactly what development is required. A mobile app always has a backend, front end, and the app so this is factored into the build.

Your app is created in sprints so receiving regular updates from where your build is at and viewing capability when further along. During the development, the hosting, and developer accounts are set up and your app is submitted to the app store before deployment.


Throughout development right up until having a live app deployment QA testing is done at various stages. During the testing phases, tickets are created and tested by the QA tester, developer, and client. This is to make sure there are no bugs, glitches, and issues before going live.

Deployment (It’s Live)

This is where things are exciting you have a live app in your user’s hands (and yours too).

Your users will provide very valuable feedback at this stage, allowing you to tweak, change or start the next phase of development. 

BlueSky Digital Labs

BlueSky specialises in custom apps, systems and software automation that set your business free to grow and thrive. As a business owner you don’t need to battle with outdated technology, we’ll show you an easier way.

We push the margins of possibility to create ingenious solutions that make business prosper. As digital pioneers we embrace curiosity, stay open to innovation and think differently. From apps to system integrations, websites and web applications, if you can imagine it, we can code it!

Find out more please more us visit www.blueskylabs.com.au